गोरख पांडेय। एक जीवट का शख्स। समाजवाद बबुआ धीरे-धीरे आई............। जब भी गुनगुनाता हूं काशी हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय के छात्र जीवन के वो दिन याद आ जाते हैं जब बिरला छात्रावास में इनकी चर्चाएं हुआ करती थीं। हम संबंधित गोष्ठियों में जाया करते थे। यद्यपि मैं व्यक्तिगत तौरपर किसी आंदोलन से कभी जुड़ा-बंधा नहीं रहा मगर अपने को ऐसी किसी बंदिश में भी डालकर नहीं रखा कि मुझे वहां नहीं जाना है। मानवतावादी होते हुए भी इसी आजाद खयाल के कारण किसी संगठन से नहीं जुड़ पाया। बहरहाल मेरे मित्र अशोक सिंह और मैं एक साथ इन गतिविधियों से जुड़े भी रहे। अशोक के चाचा देवेंद्र सिंह इनसे जुड़ने की हमारी कड़ी थे। श्रीकांत, चाचा देवेंद्र सिंह, सुभाष गताड़े, शशि, अरविंद वगैरह गंभीरता से प्रगतिशील संगठनों में भाग लेते थे। बाद में हमें एक दिन खबर मिली कि श्रीकांतजी अचानक कालकवलित हो गए। यह गोरखपांडेय के इसी दशा को प्राप्त होने के बाद की घटना है। श्रीकांत बाद में अवसादग्रस्त हो गए थे। उन्हें पटना आज अखबार में काम करने के लिए देवेंद्र सिंह वगैरह मित्रों ने जबरन भेजा था मगर संभवतः उनका दिल नहीं लगा। बीएचयू लौटे जरूर मगर दोस्तों को अकेला छोड़कर चले गए। इन सभी लोगों के साथ साहित्यिक चर्चाओं में हम भी शामिल रहते थे। प्रगतिशील चर्चाओं में हिस्सा भी लेते थे। इनमें से देवेंद्र सिंह अब लखीमपुर खीरी में हिंदी के प्रोफेसर हैं।
उनदिनों की ये बातें मेरे जेहन में इसलिए उभरी हैं क्यों कि कोलकाता में मेरे मित्र पलाश विश्वास ने मुझे एक मेल भेजकर राजेश राहुल की चर्चा की। गोरखपांडेय की मौत के बाद से राहुल भी अवसादग्रस्त हो गए थे और अबतक लापता हैं। उस दौर के आंदोलनों से पलाश जी भी गंभीरता से जुड़ हुए थे। आप इन सारी गतिविधियों और अचानक कालकवलित हो गए लोगों की कहानी कृपया इस पोस्ट के नीचे ही दर्ज पलाश जी के मेल से पढ़ लें। राहुल का भतीजा ( अब अमेरिका में रहता है ) पलाशजी के ब्लाग पर विवरण पढ़कर अब पूछरहा है कि- क्या आपलोग उसके चाचा को जानते हैं? हिंदी ब्लाग की दुनिया में यह पोस्ट इसी सवाल का जवाब पाने की गरज से कर रहा हूं। अगर आप गोरख पांडेय व उनके दोस्तों से सहानुभूति रखते हैं तो पहले आप पलाश जी का अंग्रेजी में लिखा विवरण जरूर पढ़ लें। इसे समयाभाव में हिंदी में अनूदित न कर पाने के लिए क्षमा चाहूंगा।
Dr. Mandhata Singh
From Kolkata (INDIA)
These are my sites. ...........
अपनी भाषा को पहचान दें, हिंदी का प्रसार करें।।
Want to write in hindi. Try it please.....
Have you Seen Rajesh RAHUL Any where Any Time? Pl Help Us to LOCATE Him! The Brilliant Student Activist from JNU in 1979 Onwards is MISSING for Ten Years or More!
Remebering GORAKH Pandey Once Again!
Troubled Galaxy Deastroyed Dreams: Chapter 253
Palash Biswas
"Anand, Chetan" <chetan_anand@merck.com>,
dateTue, Jun 9, 2009 at 12:05 PM
subjectRajesh Rahul
Hi Sir,
I have no words to thank you for your time and help.
Have written this small note as a message, I am not that good in writing.Please review for any changes required.
Hi Rajesh Chacha,
This is sonu, I know your memories would have faded enough to remember me, but this kid has been searching for you limited to his own means since years.
Please chacha, please contact me. please get back to me. You cannot imagine the spark in eyes of mom, dad, chote chacha, bade papa just for a glimpse of yours.
Please let me know where you are, I will be right there within 24 hours.
Miss you,
Chetan Anand (Sonu)
Merck Inc.
Blue Bell, 19422
PA, United States
Desk: 001-267 305 9491 Cell: 001-408 329 8661
Chetan Anand
S/o Anand Kumar
Village: Baraulli Post: Ghosi
District: Mau Nath Bhanjan (Azamgarh)
Cell Number : 9305625497 (Anand Kumar)
Regards, Chetan
gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551
Chetan stumbled into one of my BLOGS and invented our friendship as I have written something about my JNU memories.He just claaed me from states where he is staying for just two years.
Chetan is the 27 years old Nephew of our friend Rajesh Rahul, a brilliant student activist in JNU during late seventies and early eighties. He was a close associate of Vtearn Journalist URMILESH, then a research student and PSO leader in JNU.But he was closer to Philosopher Poet GORAKH Pandey.
I would not blame any one but the TRUTH is that a DISILLUSIONED Poet and Political Activist GORAKH Committed Suicide and another, Rajesh Rahul lost in DRUG ADDICTION. We could not SAVE Gorakh nor we could ever try to REHAB Rahul.
I should not remind my friends that GORAKH and RAHUL mobilised the New Delhi Convention in SAPRU House perhaps in mid eighties when we formed JANA SANSKRITI MANCH. After this TASK Accomplished, GORAKH and RAHUL were thrown into ISOLATION and into the wildness of SEGREGATION as the leadership never cared for the OLD Activists!
These events might be mere coincidence! But we perhaps EVADED the RESPONSIBILITY to bail out them from Personality Disorder!
Rather an EMINENT Poet wrote a well known SHORT Story with the theme of GORAKH`s Starvation for love and his poetic romanticism making a joke of his COMMITMENT. This SHORT Story was widely circulated in JNU Campus and one day the news was published that GORAKH was DICOVERED hanging in his Hostel room!
I am just not opening the CUP Board. I am trying to suggest the apathy towards thosed who dreamt and worked hard for a CHANGE in India. We could not help them a little bit but, somehow, betrayed them with UNDECLARED ENIMITY!
I last met Rajesh Rahul in 1999 in SRIRAM Centre Cafe. I could not recognise him. But my friends told me that it was Rajesh who was accompanied by some DRUG Peddlers. We got him. He instantly recognised us. He was in poor health. We ordered coffee. Rajesh wanted to go to the bathroom and we allowed. He never returned.
Chetan rang me on TUES DAY morning. I often get calls from USA. But it was UNPRECEDENTED. Chetan was asking me about his lost UNCLE and was seeking my help who forgot the man long ago as I am based in Kolkata for about twenty years and have virtually no contact with the OLD Friends as most of them are well recognised and settled and I have a very low Profile.
But I decided to knock the doors and windows of the Memories for another time when all of us tried to be best COMMITTED!
I could not return my village BASANTIPUR for last three years after my Mother`s death. My Nephew Shekhar expired in a road accident. I was not amongst my family. My childhood friend Krishna requested me to attend the Marriage ceremony of his only daughter. The poor girl Asha lost her mother when she was born. She lost her father very early after her marriage. I could not go home. My DSB friend Nirmal expired. My friend Pawan rakesh lost his only son Gaurav who was a few years older than my son, Excallibur Stevens TUSSU! I could not visit neither Hills nor the Palins in Uttarakhand to celebrate the moments of Joy and share the grief. But we are connected ONLINE or on Mobile. I get every day to day Update. My united family and my Village include me in day to day decision making. So I am connected with the HIMALYAS which happens to be my ULTIMATE IDENTITY.
But last week I could not attend the marriage ceremony at Shamsherda`s home where all friends gathered. I could not go to New delhi while my Niece Supriya, the fashion designer was married away. I could not join friends in the Marriage ceremonies of the daughters of Anand Swaroop Verma and Pankaj Bisht. My friends lost their sons in tragedies , I could not solace them. So many faces of the Past or lost including Baba Nagarjun, Shalabh shriram singh and Trilochan shastri. Then, Vishnu Prabhakar! I was no where. My village lost so many memebers! I could not mourn!
ALL the meemories and all the Pain returned me once again. Amongst them, the brightened eyes of Gorakh reciting folk glitters like GOLD in the Ivory towers of memory! I can see Rajesh Rahul opening the pouch of Bikaneri Bhujia in Periayar or Poorvanchal Hostel!
We may see him POSTERING or shouting slogans in the Anti Imperialist Procession. Anandji published the Anti US demonstration photos in Teesri Dunia!
Then Chetan informed me that Rajesh rahul lost his mother as well as his sister. The Poor ladies died waiting Rajesh. I just could not bear!
How may we help Rajesh?
Last year, I was standing aside the Dius where RASHEEDA B and bhopal gas victims were singing Gorakh`s songs. I could not help myself and talked to CPIML Secretary DIPANKAR Bhattachary that we must do something diffrent from the Power Hegemony as well as Resistance Hegemony which happen to be the wings of Manusmriti Rule! Their national or Global interests and stance, vison or practice replicate each other. We must work for a real Anti Imperialist Anti fascist resistance. He called on Kartik Paul and set a meeting. The meeting had been postponed time and again and Never took place.
Kanchan Kumar Mukherjee translated the poems of Sukanta Bhattacharya. We knew and believed him from our student days. He led the Redical students` movement as well as radical Writers movement. He is the key man in Bandi Mukti samiti. As I was away in North East, I gave him all the documents relevant to dalit Bengali Refugges deported from the History and Geography of Bengal and had been demographically adjusted as captured Vote Bank countrywide. I gave him the draft of the CITIZENSHIP Bill. I talked to the Convenor Sainath that Mukherjee would present the documents. The issue was raised by our JNU friends and Bihar comrades. Mukherjee just kept mum.
We planned and published BHASHA Bandhan led by Mahashweta Debi. But she refused our lot the adequate SPACE. I gave her each and every document relevant to REFUGEE Problem. But she adviced me to mobilise the movement myself as she may not help. I had to disaasociate from Bhasha Bandhan.Though we consider DIDI our leader till date and branded ourselves as GIRAFFE!
I sent the first copy of my NOVEL AMERICA SE Savdhan to Smakallen Janmat editor, Ramji Roy. But he rejected the Novel for Jana snskriti Manch as he thought it loud. But a daily newspaper AWAZ published the Novel simultaneously from Dhanbad and Jamshedpur for two years. scores of little mags published one or another chapter or few of them. It happened during 1993 to 1997. Mahashweta di wrote an article on me in dainik Hindustan and emphasising the relevance of the NOVEL in Anti Imperialist movement.
I had been committed to the IDEOLOGY since my students` life. I did never join any Political Parties even though I had been proposed MP tickets from Nainital by more than one party. But I realised it very hard that no Political party or Ideology seem to save our people, Five Corores of them dprived of citizenship, human and civil rights, mother tongue and reseravtion! Nor these ideologies or parties have to do anything with Resistance against Tri IBLIS Satanic Global manusmriti Order of Fascism as well as Imperialism!
My pepole in Dandakarany have been branded as Bangladeshi as well as Maoist. How may we save them? How may we save the Indigenous Aboriginal Minority Communities predestined to be KILLED?
Chetan reminded me of those friends lost in the past who were most CONCERNED with these question but neither IDELOGY nor Parties could take a little bit of CARE for the Most SENSITIVE personalities of our time.
Sorry, friends, I had to IGNITE some OLD Memories of lost faces and lost time!
May we help CHETAN anyway?
Remebering GORAKH Pandey Once Again!
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indian ocean : hille le jhakjhor duniya : Live @ NLIU Bhopal
indian ocean performing hilleyle jhakjhor duniya (lyrics of the song inspired frm a famous poem of late Shree Gorakh Prasad Pandey) live @ NLIU Bhopal ...... \m/ dhaansu desi song ........ :d "a...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi0FCMEdzGY <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="
http://www.youtube.com/v/qi0FCMEdzGY&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
http://www.youtube.com/v/qi0FCMEdzGY&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Our Scholars
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Poems and Poets » Gorakh pandey - [ Translate this page ]
यहाँ से. पुलिस का डंडा. आग. बाहर है पंडाल के. भीतर. झरना ठंडा । No Comments »; Posted in Gorakh pandey ...
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by Gorakh Pandey
What way the winds blow, I can understand
Why we show our backs to it, I can understand
I understand the meaning of blood
The value of money I understand
What is for and what is against, I can understand
I even understand this
We are scared to be able to understand, and remain silent.
I can understand the meaning of remaining quiet
When we speak we speak with thinking and understanding
The freedom to speak
Its meaning, I can understand
For a pathetic and measly employment
To sell our freedom, the meaning of that I can understand
But what can we do
When unemployment
Rises faster than the injustice
The dangers of freedom and unemployment, I understand
We narrowly escape the dangers of terror
I can understand
Why we escape and get saved, this too I can understand.
We remain disappointed and are pained by the Almighty if he does not just remain an imagination
We remain disappointed and are pained by the Government why it does not understand
We remain disappointed and pained by the common man because it succumbs to a herd mentality.
We remain pained by the pain of the entire world
I can understand
But how much we remain pained by this pain this too
I can understand
That opposition is the desired step to take
I can understand
At every step we make compromising understandings
I can understand
We make deep commitments for this understanding
Every deep commitment we present in ambiguous language
I can understand
The reason for this ambiguous language also
I understand.
Incidently, we do not consider ourselves
Less than anyone, I can understand
Every black to white
And white to black we are capable of converting
We are capable of creating a storm in a tea cup
If we want we can start a revolution also
If the Government is weak and the common man understanding
But I can understand
That there is nothing that we can do
Why there is nothing that we can do
This too I can understand.
The above a poem by poet Gorakh Pandey and my very inept translation. It was given to me by a journalist of a Hindi Daily, when he came to interview me on the occasion of my Father's Birthday. My Father's Birthday is today, November 27th. He would have been 101 years old.
The poet was a troubled human. Intelligent and anguished by the state of the nation. He had wanted to inspire with his writing and the strength of his thinking. When he failed he committed suicide. He was a brilliant student from the Benares Hindu University and later was with JNU - Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.
The entire day has been spent in front of the TV and watching in anguish and in anger the proceedings on the streets of Mumbai. I have been riveted to Times Now and to the incredible anchoring of Arnab. He has been at it non stop for almost 24 hrs; reporting, discussing, interviewing, taking opinion, tirelessly.
My pain has been the sight and plight of my innocent and vulnerable and completely insecure countrymen, facing the wrath of this terror attack. And my anger has been at the ineptitude of the authorities that have been ordained to look after us. I have simply loved and endorsed the sentiments expressed by one of those that came on for comments on the Arnab reportage, Suhel Seth. They were strong, precise and most apt. And of course I have had the greatest pride in those from the forces that have and continue to fight for our freedom. Brilliant officers and police personnel have laid down their lives for us. I can only but salute them and respect their sincerity in the call of duty.
I have been at the receiving end of a million calls and an equal number of sms's the whole day to come live on TV or on the print media to express my views on the current situation and am being lured by words such as 'we need you to speak to express solidarity and for the people to maintain their calm'.
This is disgusting !! I will NOT do that. TELL ME AND ORDER ME INSTEAD THAT WE REQUIRE FOR EVERY INDIAN TO GET UP AND WALK INTO THE FACILITIES WHERE THE ACTION IS ON AND I WILL BE THE FIRST TO WALK. But, please do not ask me to come and make sloppy statements that will do nothing more than create viewer interest in said particular channel ! I respect what the media is doing in serving the nation with its continuous information bulletins and I admire the brave and diligent manner in which they have devoted themselves to the cause. But what they expect me do I find against my ethics and want to be excused from it.
And for God's sake, let us stop reiterating that cliched "Sprit of Mumbai" retort. Yes Mumbai is strong and resilient and shall not be cowed down by any such occurrence. But let us not conveniently use it as our cover sheet, pull it over our heads and go off to sleep. Because that is what has been happening every time. Incidents of grave disaster have continued to be camouflaged with 'oh, this is Mumbai, we have a great spirit, we will spring back'. Fine, we will, of course. But who is assuring us that the disaster will not !!
As an Indian, I need to live in my own land, on my own soil with dignity and without fear. And I need an assurance on that.
I am ashamed to say this and not afraid to share this now with the rest of the cyber world, that last night, as the events of the terror attack unfolded in front of me I did something for the first time and one that I had hoped never ever to be in a situation to do.
Before retiring for the night, I pulled out my licensed .32 revolver, loaded it and put it under my pillow. For a very disturbed sleep.
Amitabh Bachchan
'Sone ki nagri' will be Indian Ocean's new mascot
February 24th, 2008 - 4:52 pm ICT by admin
By Madhusree Chatterjee
New Delhi, Feb 24 (IANS) A single number changed the course of contemporary fusion music in India in 2000, which till then was dominated by popular music formats from the West and Bollywood. Now leading contemporary fusion band Indian Ocean is set to recreate the magic of "Kandisa", a song that gave footloose India something to hum 24×7.
A loose remake of an Aramaic hyme, "Kandisa" was set to a raucous ethnic Indian beat on the drums, tabla, the guitar and powerful vocals. It achieved near-iconic status.
Indian Ocean wants to bring back the same old magic with its new song "Sone ki Nagri" from the movie "Halla", being directed by Jaydeep Verma.
"It's a very contemporary song about the state of affairs in the country," explains percussionist Asheem Chakraborty.
The band is now "loaded" with work from Bollywood, admits lead guitarist Sushmit Sen.
"We don't even have time to take a break to cut our own album. The past months have been so loaded," Sen, who is 'fiercely loyal' about the band's originality and purity of sounds, told IANS minutes after the band played some of their "latest originals" at the ongoing East Wind Music Festival here.
"We have just sung six numbers for 'Bhumi', a movie by newcomer Aveek Mukhopadhyay. One of them has the live version of 'Hille Le', a verse by poet Gorakh Pandey from Bihar, set to tune by us," Sen said.
The numbers they played on stage are yet to be released, he adds.
The band has earlier provided music for Anurag Basu's "Black Friday".
Rahul Ram, a doctorate in environmental toxicology from Cornell University, anchors Indian Ocean along with Sushmit Sen on the guitars. While Asheem Chakraborty plays the tabla, the versatile Amit Keelam accompanies on the drums, vocals and many other forms of percussion.
The band was formed in 1990 when Sushmit met Asheem at a jamming session and they broke into the mainstream in 1998 after Times Music brought the foursome into its fold.
The movie "Bhumi" releases July 15, while "Halla" has been awaiting release since November 2007. "Shunya", a movie about a sportsman starring Kay Kay Menon, for which the group sang a number in 2005, is also set to hit the theatres soon.
"Can't set the time frame though… that's how Bollywood works," reasons Rahul. "We have also sung a one-and-a-half-minute number for a short film made by Anurag Basu," he added.
Why was "Kandisa" iconic?
"'Kandisa' was iconic because it sounded good and was promoted well. It struck the right chord in the listener, but there have been other songs after 'Kandisa' that became hits like 'Ma Rewa', 'Hille Re' and 'Are Ruk Ja Re Bande' from 'Black Friday'… Who knows if our next song will be another 'Kandisa'," says Rahul, the group's lead vocalist.
The group is said to cull its influences from folk, Sufi music, rock, Indipop, jazz and blues.
"Anything that sounds good forms the basis of our music. Be it classical, rock, jazz, Sufi and folk, though the later dominates most of our numbers," he admits.
"For us, music is something more than just hammering out numbers. It has to have a profound universal feel," he explains. Which is why probably the group takes "six months to a year to cut a new album".
"We are choosy. And we are glad that the right kind of directors and producers are approaching us to make music for them.
"We simply refuse to compromise on originality. We keep the copyrights of the songs that we have sung for movies. Later, we throw out their lyrics and replace them with our own. This way the numbers are essentially Indian Ocean's," Rahul says.
The foursome is also planning a new CD.
"We have six to eight songs in our kitty. Two numbers from the movies 'Halla' and 'Bhumi', and four tentative numbers we are toying with," reveals Rahul.
They include "one Kabir's song, an old Kannada folk song that I heard as a four-year-old, a Bheelali (of Bhil tribals) folk song and a couple of Rajasthani folk tunes.
"But we'd never do a night club number, mind you," laughs Rahul, proving that Indian Ocean still has its moorings intact.
http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/entertainment/sone-ki-nagri-will-be-indian-oceans-new-mascot_10020667.html Monday, January 26, 2004
Kein Dhafna, Gil mashrao, dayotshi dayotshi Meli Bahar
What more could be the best way to end the World Social Forum..with a performance by "Indian Ocean" ..the Indian rock band..the band that sings in Indian about India…
I think they can be easily judged the best Indian rock band..coz they sing about our issues in our languages.
This was the second time I caught them live..with a more powerful performance than last time..with people from all over the world grooving to their music..be it the Koreans on my left or the Dutch on my right..it didn't matter if the song was in hindi..bihari..kashmiri..or aramaic..the music..the thought was universal and for everyone it meant something..if nothing else good music for their ears.
Maa Reva..tharo paani nirmal..khal khal bahto jayo re..
Amarkhand se nikli O Reva..jan jan.karirayo tari seva..
Seva se sab pawe mewa..aiso Ved puran batayo re…
'Maa Reva' had all the vendors and people from M.P who were there for the forum joining in..it was the song from their land..Medha Patkar should use it as a promotional song and it will be a big hit. It talks bout the beautiful Narmada…one helluva song
Kandisa Alahaye Kandisa Esana..Aalam Balam Aalam..
Amenu Aamen…Sliha Mar Yose, Almaduba Kudisa…
Aangen dhanusa..nehave dukharana…
It can give you goose-bumps. The language of jesus..its in Aramaic..meaning 'praise'. The best ever song...this song still gives such high its unbeatable. The Hindustani classical lyrics with aremaic take the song to even higher grounds..Even attended church with Gaia to hear other aramaic hymns but nothing beats 'Kandisa'
Hille le Jhakjhor duniya..hille le jhakjhor..
Dah gaye Rajwade..dahe Maharajwa..
Rani kari dhool mein lutaniya..
The last song on the show 'hille le' by the bihari poet Gorakh Pande..talking bout power of people to shake anything..corruption..brutality…the perfect ending to WSF on that cold night in bombay.
Posted by jo .. on 01:10 AM 34 Comments